CHesapeake bay area

 EXOplanet Meetings

Informal meetings about exoplanets in the DMV+ area

The Chesapeake Bay Area Exoplanet Meeting brings together all lovers of exoplanets and related science from the DC, Baltimore area and beyond (Delaware, Pennsylvania). This series of one-day meetings enables the sharing of ideas in an informal setting with the focus being on building collaborations and expertise.

CHEXO is an ideal platform for early career researchers to give 20-30 minutes talks and for everyone working in fields related to exoplanets to meet up 2-3 times per year on a Friday with minimal logistics (no registration fee, no hotel, etc.).

The initiative started in 2017 inspired by the San Francisco Bay Area exoplanet meetings. Before COVID-19, CHEXO became quite popular and we had about 60-80 in-person attendees each time.

Code of Conduct

In agreement with all our partner institutions' standards of workplace policies, each CHEXO meeting is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of CHEXO participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any CHEXO meeting venue, including talks, email, Slack, social media. CHEXO participants violating these rules may be reported to their respective institution(s) and banned to future CHEXO meetings. 

Next Meeting

May 2024 at STScI

Mailing List

Please sign up even if you used to receive CHEXO emails in 2017-2021